How do I get 10 percent return on investment every month

How do I get 10 percent return on investment every month

There is no safe investment that can consistently generate 10-15% returns per month. Any investment that promises such high returns is likely to be very risky. Contents Which investment gives 15% returnsIf you are looking for a safe investment, you should focus on investmentsWhich investment gives 15% returns Here are some investments that have the … Read more

Is it enough if India gets independence

august 15 independence day 2023

India is a rapidly developing country, but there are still many areas where it can improve. Here are some changes that India can make to develop, Contents What changes India makes to develop, the country will developWhat changes do India need commercially?How important is education knowledge of people in IndiaWhat changes India makes to develop, … Read more

Which day is celebrated on July 15th in Tamil Nadu?

thanks bing

Free and compulsory education up to the eleventh standard, Kamaraj strove to eradicate illiteracy by introducing free and compulsory education up to the eleventh standard. This project was a huge success, and it helped to improve the literacy rate in Tamil Nadu significantly. Contents today is the birthday of mahamanitar kamaraj sirWhat was the trade … Read more

New entrants to the stock market should take note..!

Everyone who enters the stock market enters with some sort of expectation. A day or two of profit will appear to live up to their expectations, and soon people will be jumping about with wild excitement, while little by little their money will begin to melt away. Contents Newcomers find it a profitable platform when … Read more

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