New entrants to the stock market should take note..!

Everyone who enters the stock market enters with some sort of expectation. A day or two of profit will appear to live up to their expectations, and soon people will be jumping about with wild excitement, while little by little their money will begin to melt away.

Newcomers find it a profitable platform when they enter the market

They spend a week in a state of confusion mixed with fear and confusion, and many of the stock market giants go out to give feedback to someone who is losing money, listen to the feedback, and in a couple of weeks, all their money will melt away. I just think 90 days is too much. I know many people who invested in Future & Option and lost lakh in a week or two.


The stock market is a whole lot of different factors, and there are thousands of people who enter it with the idea that they can beat it with money and lose track of it. It is a great art to invest in the stock market after suffering many losses and learn it properly and then only after that you should think about profit.

How to protect investments in the stock market is the first level of education, only one who passes this class can move on to the next class. There are many classes like this here. 95% people leave the stock market without passing first class.

The only reason for this is education, our education only explains how we can earn money. Education is taught only to earn money like in which school we can study, in which college we can study any technology and we will get a job with good salary.

There is no education on how to save earned money, how to invest and multiply it. That is why most people who enter the stock market fail to succeed.

Biggest mistake made by people who are new to stock market trading

They just invest all their money in the market. Apart from that, some take loans and invest in stocks. This is a huge mistake. Thus people who invest in stocks uncontrollably cannot hold on for long.

So people who are new to stock market trading should be very restricted in that they invest only a certain amount in the market. It may take a long time to recover from a loss in the stock market. The shares cannot be sold immediately.

At that time, investors should keep enough funds to meet their daily needs for a period of about 6 months. The money should be deducted from the savings and the remaining amount should be invested in the stock market.

If you are new to the stock market, especially if you are learning about the stock market, you should invest only in small amounts. This will significantly reduce investment risks.

You can learn about the stock market by investing as much as you can. So an amount between Rs.1,000 to Rs.5,000 would be a good starting point for investment. If you want to get high returns in the stock market, you have to learn from every investment.

While investing in the stock market investors should continue learning about the stock market throughout their life. Without adequate knowledge of the stock market, they borrow too much money thinking that they will get more returns after investing money, and they lose all the money they have by investing in some volatile stocks in the hope of higher returns. This is why victims say so.

First learn to survive in the market Making money is the second step

When they face failure in the market they do not accept that failure. And they don’t close the trade for the day, they continue to take revenge on the market and give more money to the market thinking that somehow they will recover the lost money. (They are the market movers)

My philosophy in the market is that when I lose, I lose. It should be like an ant bite, the next day we can get back up and fight in the market, but the loss should not be as big as a snake bite, it will send you out of the market altogether. (But it is an undeniable fact that many people here let the anaconda bite them..

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