New loan guarantee scheme for small businesses

New loan guarantee scheme for small businesses

New Delhi, The central government has announced a new loan guarantee scheme called MCGS for small, micro and medium enterprises. In this, companies can get loans without collateral What is the new credit guarantee scheme for MSME? The National Credit Guarantee Corporation will guarantee up to 60 percent of the loans of small businesses in … Read more

Business news,Wipro complaint against ex-vice president

Business news,Wipro complaint against ex-vice president

Business news,Wipro complaint against ex-vice president, In Tamil Nadu, 30 industries, including aerospace and defense, agriculture and food processing technology, artificial intelligence, electric vehicle, have high demand and market opportunities, according to the industry department. A Separate website for the benefit of entrepreneurs in tamilnadu Therefore, the government has decided to launch a separate website … Read more

SipCot provides funding for start-up ideas.

SipCot provides funding for start-up ideas

Sipcot is the Industrial Development Corporation of Tamil Nadu Government. It is implementing various schemes for the development of start-up companies. One of them is Industry Innovation Grant Scheme. Under this scheme, start-up companies and innovators can get funding to implement their new innovations. Under this scheme, start-up companies can get funding under the following … Read more

New scoring system, for start-up business loans tamilnadu

new scoring system, for start-up business loans tamilnadu

New scoring system, for start-up business loans Tamilnadu, The Tamil Nadu government is going to implement a new credit scoring system in two months for small business enterprises to get easy loans at low interest rates. start-up business loan by tamilnadu government Tamil Nadu Govt. Tamil Nadu has launched the Small and Medium Enterprises Loan … Read more

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